Interest in the characteristics of organisms such as Cordyceps, Endoliths, and subsequent related research, culminated in the creation of otherworldly extremophiles who thrive in various forms of stone, slowly taking over their specific host habitat and sprouting forth. I have named this family of bronzed organisms Petrofloris.
Perhaps the first question we ask ourselves when presented with an unknown, something that doesn't comfortably fit our perceived logic, is whether it is alive or inanimate. This base delineation can immediately assist us in directing our reaction to this thing, but how does that subconscious mental equation effect and continue to shape our reality? This body of work examines the importance of auditing our collective perception of the known and the development of personal agency that can come from constant questioning of the world, its inhabitants, and our constructed systems. Allowing ourselves a pause before performing that subconscious equation when viewing a mysterious yet familiar thing, gifts our spirits a moment to reflect internally, instead of being bombarded by explanations.